This long cotton grass is very common on Longstone. in the background of the cotton grass you can see the rest of longstone and other feilds that surround it. Longstone is the perfect moor.
these young stags have just started growing their new antlers you can see they're still covered in "velvet" this is the dying blood vessels left on the antlers.
BIG ears is the new bull we bought last tuesday. in the picture of him and his lady friend you can see the difference in ear size(you can see why hes called big ears!). hes only 18 months old and this is the first time hes been allowed out to play with the young heifers!
this is the last of the swallows. we always have about 5 pairs of swallows each year that return to our wood shed. these two are still being fed by mum and dad they will probably be having flying lessons in a few days.