Saturday 28 November 2009

Our New Project!

A shepherds hut! For everybody out there who loves the freedom of camping , but have got really fed up with our wet summers. Here we have the perfect answer. The shepherds hut will have a double bed a lovely woodburning stove with a small cooker attached, room to sit etc. We are also putting a bathroom and kitchen area in a building closeby. So we hope that the shepherds hut will prove to be a big hit.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Manwee Lucy Locket.

This is Manwee Lucy Locket. A new arrival of the equine variety to Higher Bodley. We've decided to return to Debbie's roots and get involved with the welsh ponies again. Hopefully this won't be as demanding as the race horses, but just as enjoyable.

Lucy is a welsh section A filly, by Forlan Caradoc. She's a very feisty little thing what she lacks in height she definately makes up for in temperament.

Watch this space!!

Sunday 8 November 2009

Hi there ,its been a very difficult, anxious time the last 2 months.Its that time of year when we are getting calves ready for the sales . We sell most of our calves as " busk calves" which means we sell them straight off of their mothers.2 months before the sale we creep feed them , this is a big metal feeder that the calves can get in and the mothers cant. The calves get sugar beet & protein nuts which gives their coats a nice bloom & gets their hindquarters looking large & rounded which the busk calf buyers like.
Thats the easy bit , before we can sell the calves we have to T.B. TEST them,we have never had T.B.before, to our shock we had 2 reactors.Movement restrictions have been placed on the farm & a slaughter man came on farm & put down the 2 calves. Very upsetting to witness what you have worked so hard for.
Since.the whole herd has been tested, 2 cows have tested as reactors(1 has a young calve).
We have to retest in 60 days , we are crossing more than our fingers!